Tag Archives: Search engines

Two Travel Links To Help You Explore The World

My recent post on travel to Cuba has made me aware of the great interest that retired people, and people of all ages, have in exploring the world. I also think the idea of travel to Cuba, after the decades-long estrangement of the U.S. and Cuba, is an unexpected and breathtaking prospect.

One of the ways a blog can serve readers is by supplying links to other sites on the Web, particularly other blogs that contain valuable information. The blogosphere has grown into a vast storehouse of content — valuable information, stories, and art of all kinds. However, blogs can be difficult to access in this ocean of information.

Search engines, invaluable as they are for indexing the Web, are really of little practical use in unearthing information hidden in countless obscure and unsung blogs. As a practical matter, most researchers and casual users are limited to the first page or two of results turned up by a search engine. Most of the time, information on small blogs remains buried many pages deep, like needles in a giant haystack of thousands of search engine offerings.

Returning to the subject of travel, here is a directory of travel blogs designed particularly for travelers of a certain age: “The 29 Best Baby Boomer Travel Blogs for 2015.”  The directory was compiled by  “The Volunteer Traveler,” which is a uniquely important source on “volunteer vacations.”

Also, because my recent post on Cuba was so well received, here’s another link. It’s a heartfelt love letter to Cuba, with many artistic and expressive photographs of the people, architecture, and cars of Cuba. You can find it on Ms Elena Levon’s travel blog. Your ordinary travel writing and photography, this is not.